Bounce Back: How to Reclaim Your Nutrition and Training After Christmas
How to Track Macros for Homemade Recipes
Fat Loss, Blog, Gym, Kelowna, Macros, NutritionKrysten Janzenrecipes, healthy recipes, kelowna fitness, fat loss, nutrition
Can you exercise during pregnancy? What you need to know!
Blog, Fat Loss, Fitness, Gym, KelownaKrysten Janzenpre natal, post natal, exercise, pregnancy, health, fat loss
How Our Menstrual Cycle and Birth Control Impacts Our Gains - part 2
Movement is Medicine
2021, What The Hell Was That?
How To Grow Your Glutes
What’s An Appropriate Rate of Fat Loss
The Importance of Deload Weeks
Stop Following Swipe Right Workouts on Instagram
Why I Don’t Give Out Meal Plans
5 Training Myths
The Diet After The Diet
Should you go back to the gym right now?
Stop YoYo Dieting
Strength Training As You Get Older
Why You NEED To Lift Weights
Gym, Fitness, Fat Loss, Blog, motivationKrysten Janzenfat loss, weight training, gym, motivation, nutrition, kelowna, kelowna personal trainer
How Do I Make Exercise A Habit?
How To Pick A Good Fitness Coach
Dealing With Gym Intimidation