How To STOP Overeating

What do you do when you struggle with overeating?

Some of the more obvious recommendations are to not restricting food, choosing nutrient dense foods, drinking lots of water etc. But there are some other things to consider

Typically when we overeat there’s something else going on beyond just food itself. Depression and boredom are two common issues that have been linked to the urge to overeat. 

Overeating is typically the surface level problem that can be covered by something a bit deeper rooted that’s going on — we typically don’t see this deeper rooted issue as easily and it can be easier to think that we just need to fix the issue of just stopping overeating

So there are something’s that you can do to try to get to the root of the problem

1. Getting our stress under control

There’s always something that stresses us out.

When stressed, your body releases cortisol, which also happens to increase appetite. Whether you’re hungry or not, your body is craving food.

So we need to try to find ways to reduce our stress, control our stress and find other coping mechanisms for when we are stressed — journaling, meditating, exercise, reading, going for a hike, doing or finding a new hobby (ie playing an instrument, sewing etc etc)

2. Eat before your hungry

If we eat at the very last minute when we are at the very edge of our hunger, we can easily binge/overeat and try to consume easy, palatable options that are easy to overeat 

3. Pay attention to your surroundings

We don’t realize how much we are a subject of our environment. It makes a huge difference what and who we are influenced by. So we have to focus on making sure we surround ourselves with those who encourage us to live a healthy lifestyle and surround ourselves with those we look up to and can learn from when it comes to adopting a healthy lifestyle. If we are constantly surrounded by those who encourage overeating, are not support of your goals it makes it difficult and depending how often we hang out with those people, it can make it next to impossible to progress towards a healthier lifestyle

4. Journal and check in with yourself

We need to check in with ourselves way more to hold ourselves accountable. Journalling helps us become self aware so we can catch ourselves in moments of weakness and redirect our emotions to act appropriately versus just acting blinding and overeating without any thought

If you overeat even when you are not hungry, it may be a good idea to take a minute and check in with yourself to understand why you have the urge to eat.

5. Seek professional help

You don’t need to do this on your own. 

If you believe depression may be driving your overeating, seek out a mental health professional for guidance. They can help you get back on track.

If you can’t uncover this issue yourself or if you do, you don’t know how to overcome it, talking to someone else helps tremendously! Sometimes you just need to talk things out with a person who has an objective eye and knows how to ask to the asks to pull out these deeply rooted and give you the necessary strategies to overcome this 

Hope this helps

♥ Krysten

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